The Sax Mechanic

First in a series of profiles of people who have turned their passions into a career. Eric Beach, repair technician at Chuck Levin’s Washington Music Center, brings both vintage and modern saxophones back to life through a combination of his dedication, raw talent, and years of experience.

  • Client: Personal

  • Produced and filmed by: Matthew Rakola

  • Editor: Matthew Rakola

 Recruitment Video

A software company based outside of Baltimore approached me about creating a short recruitment video describing their corporate culture. We used a mix of interview and b-roll to let them tell their story in their own words.

  • Client: Systems Allliance, inc

  • Produced and filmed by: Matthew Rakola

  • Editor: Chris Dellapace


Call to Action

The “Taste of Wheaton”, an annual festival held in Wheaton, Maryland was moved on-line in 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic. MUM, a non-profit that distributes food to those in need, relies on the Taste of Wheaton for fundraising. This video was part of a larger plea for funds for the organization.

  • Client: Wheaton Urban District / Mid-County United Ministries

  • Produced and filmed by: Matthew Rakola

  • Editor: Matthew Rakola

Testing the Waters

A short, personal mood piece created on location at the National Aquarium in Baltimore.

  • Client: Personal

  • Produced and filmed by: Matthew Rakola

  • Editor: Matthew Rakola